Picnic’s operation is driven by a just-in-time delivery-only model with the goal of making food shopping simple and quick, through an app-only approach and a user-centric philosophy. The experience that customers get from using Picnic’s service is inspired by the milkmen that were delivering milk in The Netherlands in the first half of the 20th century. Driving on motorised carts, they provided a personal and customised service for their customers. Picnic is aiming to bring back this personal, low customer effort service of the milkman in combination with the aspects that made supermarkets popular - large product selection and low prices - to provide a great shopping experience.
Working on an interior design concept I focused on both the underlying technology and the user-facing interaction design. Cabin interface design is a human-centred task that requires an in-depth knowledge of how users operate and what their pain points are. To gain an insight into the user’s process, I carried out interviews and in-context observations. Ergonomics, visibility and attention testing was done to validate concepts. I used sketches to communicate ideas, surface modelling to create concepts and rendering to produce visualisations. The interior design project encompasses multiple sub-projects, outcomes of which influenced the overall design. Working on these was a highly iterative process that consisted of ideation sessions, concept assessments and user validation. Through my work on the cabin technology, I improved in circuit building, programming and soldering. I also got familiar with vehicle bus protocols and regulations that guide development of vehicle components.
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