Design Engineering
Showcase 2020


Global Devices
Dr Weston Baxter
Electrical Engineering Intern
Retail and Consumer Goods

I applied to Braun with the expectation to push my limits as an intern at a highly renowned company for its excellence and quality of its products. During my time as an intern with the electronic department I managed to experience many different areas of electronics for consumer product design, from analogue electronics to advanced pcb design to software development and software integration on large servers. Through this experience I learnt how to work efficiently in the context of a large corporate business, as well as gained a huge amount of technical knowledge and skills.

 — Braun
Circuit Board Layouting.

Demonstration of Design Engineering Thinking and Skills

During my internship I quickly found out that more often than not electrical problems require mechanical solutions, coding problems are often a fault of the hardware, and mechanical problems can be fixed with a few lines of code. I also quickly discovered that even in a specific job role within a company I had to utilise the full extent of my design engineering skill set in order to create innovative solutions to existing problems. This is because often, the solution of to a simple problem lies in an unexpected avenue.

 — Braun
A Person using a Braun shaving device, taken from the Braun website.

Role and Contributions

One of my secondary projects was working on a device for use within Braun’s main production factory to rapidly provide quality assurance information for people on the floor. This device had to both be intuitive to use such that any unskilled worked would be able to pick up and use the device without prior guidance, but also complex enough such that it would be able to provide a useful amount of information.

Most of my contribution with this project was through code I wrote for the device. The device was coded in embedded C and ran on top of the FreeRtos operating system to allow more efficient multitasking within it. Components within the device were specifically picked so to maximise the End of Life of the device and to allow for replicas of the device to be easily produced for the longest time possible. This is because it is likely that the design will need updating in about a decade, therefore the code was made such that it should be reasonably easy for some to make adjustments to it in the future.

My main contributions came with working on a front end innovation project. I took a concept that was working in lab conditions and adapted it so that it could become a new feature on the upcoming shaving device. This involved creating various test setups and troubleshooting to try and identify and eliminate any of the sources of noise within the system.

One of my other contributions was with the creation of an optimised pipeline for documentation creation. For this product I delivered a system that took the raw data and logs from a performed appliance test, analysed the data in such a way that it could be easily visualised, graphed the necessary data, figured out what graphs were the most important and the from this generated a written word document for the test.

A substantial amount of work with this project involved understanding which data was the most relevant one. This project will save a high amount of employee time and will hopefully lead to much better level of quality within the company, as now an employee will no longer need to sift through close to 90 graphs in order to figure out which ones show important data.

 — Braun
The City Skyline of Frankfurt.


  • Learn large amounts about electronics in consumer product design.
  • High on technical skills such as coding and electronics, although a lot of this is taught throughout the internship, so you have to enjoy those areas, but not necessarily be good at them at the beginning.
  • Work in Kronberg (Frankfurt, Germany)
  • If you are interested turn up to PG recruiting event on the October 27th where you will be talked through the application process.
 — Braun
A completed test PCB.


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