Design Engineering
Showcase 2020

Gillette, Procter & Gamble

Sana Pirmohamed
Processes and Engineering
Dr Billy Wu
Process Engineer
Retail and Consumer Goods

As a Process Engineer at Gillette, I was given the opportunity to work on real projects that would provide value to the business. One such project involved the design, development and roll-out of a software application, working on both front and backend app development. A second project led to the comprehensive design of a fixture for an automated measurement process. This involved holding discussions with colleagues from around the globe to ensure a wholly complete solution can be designed. Overall, this placement allowed me to make a positive contribution to the organisation, whilst supporting my personal and professional development.

 — Gillette, Procter & Gamble

Demonstration of Design Engineering Thinking and Skills

The grooming industry is competitive, and organisations as large as Gillette need to keep improving to stay ahead of even the smallest contenders. The drive to improve doesn’t end at product innovation. The manufacturing, packaging and qualification processes need to be continuously updated and optimised to increase productivity, improve quality and reduce cost where possible, all the while staying with the bounds of the Company’s high standards and morals. Keeping these in mind, the varying projects I undertook required me to design, model and 3D print components. I also learned and applied advanced coding skills to develop a complex yet user-friendly application, ready for use company-wide across the globe.

Role and Contributions

As a Process Engineer at Gillette P&G in Reading, I worked in the Processes and Engineering group. My primary role was to lead and complete two main projects within the Digital and Offline Gauging departments.

My first project involved the design of a Version Management Audit Application for product manufacturing machines on sites across the globe. This involved learning how to code in Microsoft PowerApps and designing clean user-friendly interfaces whilst ensuring the structure of the app was dynamic and easy to build on as more teams began to use it.

My second project focused on improving offline gauging methods for the Double Edge Razor – one of Gillette’s oldest and most popular products – such that the new qualification method increased reliability, productivity and reproducibility of measurements, thus correctly determining whether products were in or out-of-spec.

Additionally, I have supported work on other digital streams within the department that focused on increasing productivity and troubleshooting efficiency. This involved research a wide range of technical solutions and seeking in-house expertise to direct and narrow down my research.


Working at Gillette has allowed me to grow incredibly quickly in different avenues, be it technical mastery, communication and networking, or becoming quickly accustomed to unfamiliar terms and concepts. Relationships with colleagues were built on encouragement, trust and a genuine need to see me to succeed in all aspects of my placement. In these uncertain times, the Company put its employees first, and this gave me a deep-rooted incentive to truly make decisions with the Company’s best interests in mind.

 — Gillette, Procter & Gamble
Version Management App Home Page Screen Display


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