Design Engineering
Showcase 2020

Heart Restart

Innovation Design Engineering
This is Going to Help

Heart Restart is a personal, portable and empowering miniature defibrillator to save your loved one in the event of a cardiac arrest.

Cardiac arrest is the second leading cause of death in the UK and the survival rate remains below 10%. Every minute that goes by, a patient’s chance of survival decreases by 10%. Currently, public access defibrillators can help some cases, but not all.

Heart Restart provides at-risk patients with a defibrillator so that they can receive a life-saving shock within 3 minutes. This fast response time can ensure minimal damage to the brain and a 76% chance of survival.

Heart Restart is a unique and innovative defibrillator because of its small size, the fact that it is owned by the at-risk patient and that it empowers their friends and family to save their life in case of an emergency. Heart Restart gives a second chance at life from a pocket.

Cardiac Arrest

Cardiac arrest is the second leading cause of death in the UK with a survival rate of less than 10% in out of hospital cases. Already clinically dead, the only way to revive someone is by defibrillation and the faster the response time, the better. In London, the average emergency response time is about 11 minutes, and even in the most defibrillator dense area, the average time to retrieve a defibrillator is 10 minutes. This is not fast enough. Heart Restart changes this by enabling people at risk to carry a life-saving device with them everywhere they go, which will empower their friends and family to save their lives in a time of need. By bringing the response time down to within 3 minutes, we ensure minimal damage to the brain and an increase in the chance of survival from 10% to 76%.

Easily Fits in Your Pocket

The small size enables users to easily carry the device around anywhere they go. The device has a ribbon and tag attached that can hang outside the bag, which will allow people to easily identify and locate the device when needed.

 — Heart Restart

Simplified Steps

We minimized the number of moving parts and streamlined the design so that we were able to decrease the number of steps from 28 to 8. Through extensive user testing and iterating, we lowered the time to defibrillation from 2 minutes to 1 minute.

 — Heart Restart

Screen with a Visual Aid

By using a screen with animated graphics, we dramatically increased the accuracy and speed of performing the steps and removed the language barrier.

 — Heart Restart

Female Graphics

Through our research, we found that women were less likely to receive effective help due to various misconceptions and worries. Therefore, we designed female graphics so that the user will receive explicit permission and instruction to provide proper aid.

 — Heart Restart

Automatic Detection and Diagnosis

The defibrillator automatically detects shockable rhythms ventricular fibrillation (VF) and ventricular tachycardia (VT). If no shock is advised, the device will proceed to instruct the user to perform lifesaving CPR.

 — Heart Restart


It's a great idea. I live in South Korea, have completed CPR & AED education. I don't know the situation in the UK about CPR. But I was impressed by the way you approached it!

Jiho Kim

This is an incredible, potentially life saving device. I hope it makes it into mainstream production - I would buy one in a heartbeat!


Update, we got shortlisted for the Red Dot Design award!

Daan Leenarts

Great idea! Would be interesting to see if this is something that could be offered through the NHS.

Sanaa Asim

Nice idea for an accessible device. Is it fully working?

Raj Shah

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