Design Engineering
Showcase 2020

IUC: A Novel Non-Hormonal Contraceptive

Design Engineering MEng
Dr Connor Myant
This is Going to Help

The IUC is a smaller, softer and more flexible copper intrauterine device, which aims to reduce the pain points associated with current IUDs.


The copper intrauterine device (IUD-Cu) is the only non-hormonal, long-term and reversible contraceptive with an effectiveness of over 99%. Whilst many variations are available on the global market, many women are deterred from it due to pain and complications associated with the device’s sounding, insertion, and removal processes, as well as its potential for perforation and expulsion.


IUC's shape and soft elastomer material enables it to be elongated and held in tension during insertion, resulting in an insertion profile of 2.1mm (including tools), which is the smallest on the market currently, suggesting reduced pain. Due to the spring-like nature of the IUC, the device deploys ‘outwards’, unlike current IUDs. This, coupled with a softer structure and markings on the insertion tool, enables the sounding process to be eliminated. This decreases the number of times the cervix experiences trauma, reducing pain, as well as reducing the chances of uterine perforation. The fewer processes involved also decrease the cost for clinics.

 — IUC: A Novel Non-Hormonal Contraceptive

Next Steps

More prototyping and materials R&D is needed. I am currently seeking collaboration to progress this concept further.

Please do get in touch if you're interested, or if you’d like to know more.


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