Design Engineering
Showcase 2020

ABB Robotics Project

Design Engineering MEng
Dr Petar Kormushev

This research project focuses on working with ABB on improving a pick-and-place robot application, to sort e-commerce parcels in the logistics industry. This particular application cell focuses on helping workers who are performing repetitive and fatiguing tasks sorting parcels and placing them on conveyors.

 — ABB Robotics Project
Current robotic systems deployed in the Logistics industry.

This project improves the performance of an ABB developed robotic application cell within a timeframe of 10 months. The robot cell picks up small parcels from an unsorted pile, and the parcels range from small cardboard boxes, to letters, and envelopes.

The proposed concept successfully completed the task of picking and placing small to large parcels with significant performance improvements. The time it took for the robot to pick and place parcels was significantly lower, allowing for more parcels to be processed. ABB was pleased with the concept and approved the new design and its improvements for the cell.


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