Design Engineering
Showcase 2020


Innovation Design Engineering
Breaking Barriers

EQuip is an intergenerational mentoring program focusing on the acquisition of hard and soft skills.

 — EQuip

People over 65 are set to be 1/4 of the UK population in the next 20 years. The society provides few avenues for the older generation to share their skill sets with the younger generations. EQuip creates the bridge. Students gain access to knowledge from someone with decades of work experience, and retirees become more actively valued in society again.

 — EQuip
UI mockup.

Equip provides a platform to connect students to retired professionals based on our customised algorithm. Then we facilitate communication between the participants, and provide a curriculum for the meetings, beginning with an ice breaker card, and ending with an EQ question. Following our methodology, students gain hard skills and improve their emotional intelligence. EQuip's intergenerational programme results in a symbiotic exchange encouraging more holistic well-being.


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