Design Engineering
Showcase 2020

We Are Perspective

Mechanical Engineering
Dr Billy Wu

We Are Perspective (WAP) Singapore is Pezy Group’s Asia Pacific regional headquarters and are a product design consultancy. They specialise in product strategy, industrial design, engineering, and industrialisation. During my placement, I had the opportunity to learn many new skills and experience first-hand, the fast-paced nature of their work building on my knowledge as a design engineer in various types of projects.

 — We Are Perspective

Demonstration of Design Engineering Thinking and Skills

Working at a design consultancy has been an eye-opening experience to understand the industry. Despite being located in a country with a population of only 5.6 million, WAP is involved in a large number of projects island wide with clients such as government bodies, MNCs, SMEs as well as start-ups. This has allowed me to get involved in a wide range of projects, exposing me to different sectors whilst still being able to utilise the design thinking methodology when approaching each project. Regardless of the project being a mechanical engineering design detail project or a CAD modelling project, it was very important for WAP to approach it with their multidisciplinary perspective which I have been able to contribute towards to during my placement whilst working together with the team.

 — We Are Perspective

Role and Contributions

My role at We Are Perspective as an intern involves various tasks such as CAD modelling and ideating, to designing & developing concepts. I worked with both the mechanical engineering and design team at WAP, bridging the gap as a design engineer. I was fortunate to be involved in a wide range of projects throughout my placement, exposing my understanding of the design consulting industry specifically in Singapore. Depending on the project, my role can vary from carrying out research & development to ideate concepts, building and rendering 3D models to illustrating concepts and solutions for presentation reviews.

During my placement, I was able to lead a scooter vehicle project, working with the design team as the main 3D modeller during the design process. I also provide a lot of CAD support for the design team, totalling 38 models of different items on various projects. My work supporting the mechanical engineering team mainly involves proposing design details through researching & presenting ideas for the technical details of a product some of which have been approved.

 — We Are Perspective


Although my entire placement was done remotely while the team were working in person, my time at We Are Perspective has provided me with invaluable experience to understand the design consulting industry specifically in Singapore and the local work culture. I was introduced to different types of projects some of which were very interesting and has allowed me to learn new skills that I can apply to in the future.


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